CEO Message
CEO Message
Education with skills training combined makes our youth to stand on their own feet. Welcome to WISE, which is a unique project of its kind offering free I. Com and B. Com programs of general education and skill trainings affiliated with Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) and National Vocational Technical Training commission (NAVTTC), which helps in securing good jobs or establishing their own businesses with the help of self-earning techniques. You can be sure that you are joining an institution with a proven track record of 33 years of excellence for providing high-quality education to deserving & Underprivileged students along with Ethical values. At Wise, our top agenda is to make our youth skillful through different Hi-Tech / Hi-End skill courses for their jobs & online self-earning which results reduction of poverty & unemployment of the society. Our staff is very efficient on mentoring rather than simple instructions.
Donation of some amount to poor is not sufficient for poverty Reduction. Development of youth by providing them quality education and empowering them with skills for self earning with jobs is the only way to stable the Economy of our Nation. For this purpose, we bridge the gap by providing skillful professionals according to the demand of industry and equipped them with Ethical values. To encourage our students own businesses we provide them interest free loans with easy installments.
To achieve its noble Mission of empowering our youth through education skills, we are committed to make Model Self Earning village spreading over 2 kanals based on 7 Projects. The future plan of Wise is to expand its self-earning villages to other remote areas of Punjab. Inshallah, Wise will dare to go where others have not. We are just a drop in the Ocean, but We will strive to reduce the poverty and unemployment in our society and to change the lives of our people we touch. We are doing our best to make our students experience memorable and valuable. We cannot always build the future
for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.

Prof. Hamda Tariq
WISE Institute of Employability Skills
WISE Software House
Western Business School
President: SPEECH